Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nurses Role in Communication of Health Promotion Initiative Assignment

Nurses Role in Communication of Health Promotion Initiative - Assignment Example Also, studies have proved that even though most nurses agree that obesity is a diagnosis that needs intervention, they do not pursue matter with overweight patients (Birse, 1998). Since obese people do not feel free to got the hospital to seek medical intervention and nurses are not fully committed to assist them when they encounter them at the hospital, what could be advocated is a social website that will educate the obese people on how to lose weight. People today tend to express their feeling at the social sites, which are gaining fast recognition (McCarthy, 2009). Hence, having a hospital social site that seeks to assist obese people share their feeling will, without doubt, work. The social site could also mean that nurses will stop worrying about countering obese people in reality and only face them when the matter is critical. It also acts as a cheaper alternative to actual medical

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