Monday, September 23, 2019

National Interest of State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

National Interest of State - Essay Example The paper shall look at the various aspects which are imperative in the creation of national and foreign policy. Since the policies framed at the national level are maligned in the structure of foreign policy, it is crucial to understand the growing relation between the two of these policies. â€Å"The main reason why the notion of national interest is given such enormous, indeed decisive, weight in explaining the foreign policy behavior of any country, including India, is because of the widespread belief that the Realism paradigm, even in its crudest form, accurately describes and explains the essential character and functioning of the world order.† The paper shall analyze the disparity, if any, between realism and national interest. This will help the reader understand where the distinction lies between the independence of the policies as well as the dependency on reality for a nation to frame its policies. Current affairs take a major toll in shaping the policy of any state and therefore it is imperative to gain an understanding of the same. Introduction: A state is an actor in international politics which is dependent on other nations. A state does not have a specific way of running the country as the focus of the nation keeps on changing and shifting from time to time. This is so because the external politics of the world also keeps on changing and this influences the current state of the nation at any given point of time. A state has many diverse interests to cater to and this hugely influences the national interest of the state. Lets us define national interest: â€Å"A broad term for any matter of public concern that is addressed by a government in law or policy.† National interest of any state is the matter which concerns the government of the State with respect to its functioning internally and externally. Every country strives to fulfill everything in the notion of achieving its national interest, and it comes as the most fundamental and important aspect in the governance of any country. Therefore, it is crucial to understand that international treaties, deals, partnerships as well as relations are made and broken on the basis of country’s national interest. If the State is indulging in an act and it is not satisfying its national interest then it would not go ahead with such an act. Having established national interest as the most important factor in the actions of any state, we shall now move on to understanding how national interest is governed on a national and international level with respect to Nation-State. â€Å"According to this paradigm the world is basically an inter-state system where states are the primary, unitary and rational actors. Moreover, the state is perceived in a cartographic and not sociological sense, i.e. as a 'national-territorial totality' encompassing that whole space marked on any map as the country in question.† Understanding from the above statement, a State is always inter-related with different nation states. This defeats the idea of t otal independence, which is true in this context to the extent that States are always dependent on each other to perform actions pertaining to their national interests. Looking from a geo-political angle, it is the relations between the states which influence the world

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