Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tourism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tourism - Assignment Example These serve well. The first article captures the true spirit of international tourism, published in the Washington Post written by David Nakamura. The news article is how and why President Barack Obama has amended policies to support the growth of tourism in the country. Visa process will become fast so people who want to visit the United States will find it easier to enter and enjoy the sights of the US and more importantly bring in the much wanted revenues for the US. Reading the second half of the article, opposing politicians (republicans) are not thrilled, but they are never against the plans of expanding on tourism, they are merely ridiculing the fact that Obama can’t pull it off. His dreams are high but there is no ground to build the dream on. Criticism has its own place but there is no second argument that the global tourism has changed the way we think about economy and even foreign relations. Tourism constituted 2.7% of the GDP and provided 7.5 million jobs in the U S back in 2010 (Nakamura, 2012). But the message of Obama is more important as to what he means when he says that he wants to speed up the visa process for tourists; â€Å"We’re all here today to tell the world America is open for business,† (Nakamura, 2012) The second article is about the luxuries that attract people and how a hot desert landscape can become one of the most sought after tourism destination of the whole world. This is a blog article published in the New York Times, written by James Kanter. The way Kanter talks about the impact of ‘global tourism’ on the economy, is very interesting. Talks are that in Dubai a cool beach is being built only to take care of the filthy rich international tourists who want to enjoy lying on the sand under the sun, but the sand needs to be of perfect temperature. Just like the artificial beach on Dubai coast. In one glance the picture becomes clear. Global tourism doesn’t have an impact on the economy in s single dimension. It is not a matter of how many coconuts a vendor sells at a beach as a result of more tourists visiting the place. Tourism does have its footmark on the economy but it also has a giant hand print on the face of green planet. But the industry is growing at a splendid rate. It is predicted that by the 2030, there will be 1.6 billion tourists traveling the globe (Kanter, 2009). The third article gives a very unique view into global tourism and its impact on historical places. The article is published in Telegraph and is written by Charles Starmer Smith. World Monuments Fund (WMF) is an organization set up to protect the historic buildings and places of the earth. Most of the antique architectural structures are quite fragile and when more people visit these places, they get into a worse shape. Plus there is an ever increasing threat of global warming and extreme changes in weather and temperatures that make it very hard for historic fragile structures of the world t o stay stable. As a consequence the buildings won’t be able to stand the test of time for very long. No matter how positive the impact of the global tourism on the economy, this fact can’t simply be ignored that increasing visitors to world’s monuments are having a bad effect on the buildings. When the buildings won’t be there any more there will not be any tourists to visit that place. Without a doubt WMF has worked very hard in organizing funds to take care of t

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