Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Group project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Group project - Essay Example At first a field study is carried out to validate the first stage of the framework, the Recognition Stage. By this way the trouble indicating symptoms of said project was worked out. Such symptoms were logically examined and recovery measures applied for making it bug free and as per the requirement of the client. Another aspect was shortfalls in the project management model and the group dynamics. After review of relevant literature, the problem was reviewed and specific steps taken for a recovery process. This part of the project covers the commercial aspects of website. It is basically meant for a user who desires to buy parts of a PC as per his options. The web page has restricted for those users who has valid account in this site. For that he requires to create an account and get a user id and password. Through the user id and password he would enter into the commercial page of website where he would choose desired items from the displayed list of computer peripherals for purchase. This involves two important parts namely Customer part and Administrator part. Customer part deals with creating an account, searching for computer peripherals, browsing categories, PC configurator, Order placing, viewing the items ordered, modifying the shopping basket, setting quantity of items, buying the selected items. On account of designing client based webpage we used PHP as front end tool. Next part is administrator related which has database server that keeps all the products and its specifica tions stored in it. As the whole project designed to be created with open sources technology we used MySQL 5.0 version. In the back end process we created a database consisting of all the details of products and once all data related to the products entered into this server only thing we had to do next was to update the products as per the

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